
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Finance Figured-Guidance for investors for when to invest in stock markets?

The right time[(EGSPSM9DWT9M)] to enter into a stock market to invest,both by veterans and novices alike, has been a big tussle for them, more so when there is a constant tussle between the bulls and bears in any year, to rule the market.So, for an average small time investors,time to enter into the market itself is a big speculation.

This difficulty can be, to an extent made easy by always buying at low and selling at high.(The Right Price...)The most common mistake small time investors make is to go along with the market, that is buying when the market is in a bull phase, trying to cash in, on the run.By doing so they only end up holding the stock, bought in bull run,and seeing that stock's price go down when market swings in the other direction. Small investors should never buy in a heated market.
So, you may ask, when is the time to buy a stock? The best policy is buy at low,or average at dips.
Will it not be useful if one can gauge which days in a month will be the best time to invest.So to help small time investors to zero in on the days, when the market is going to be at its lowest, one agency has attempted and analyzed the data for the past 25 years and have arrived at some findings, which the small investor can
use, after careful study and a bit of his own analyses.
The findings are:
1)The first five days of a month has been the lowest, for one-third of the duration of the research period.They aver that these are the best times, in a month, for a investor to invest in a market.
2) The last five days of a month are also the best time to enter the market,as their analysis's has revealed that these days have been the lowest for nearly 27% times of the duration of the analyzed period.
3)10th to 15th of the month have been only lowest for 8% of time during the analysis's period.
4)In terms of returns, the second half of any year has given higher returns than the first half,(60% and 40%).So investing in the first half is better to reap good returns, when the market goes up in the second half of the year.
5)The third quarter of the year has outperformed the other quarters.Quarter4, which is the beginning of the year, has not performed well,Which goes on to prove that the second half of the year is better in terms of returns.
So, their conclusion is to invest in the first three months of the year.
Raghu Natrajan.

Friday, June 25, 2010


money matters

Here are some money saving tips that have[ (EGSPSM9DWT9M)]worked for many,which would very well work for you too. These tips were noted down, from the experience of money management and from my friends, books and some financial advisers.

Don't spend more than what you earn.This is the fundamental principle of making wealth.Also saving as little as possible will reward you in long run.
To keep a luxurious lifestyle people tend to spend more than they earn and as well go for debt.Carrying a debt is like having swords always hanging over your head,without you even knowing.The most common form of debt is credit cards.Avoid them to the maximum possible.
Credit to the creation of wealth (home loan)is not that dangerous, if taken judiciously, knowing fully about your ability to pay the credit. Always take only 50% of the value of the asset.The monthly payment also in the range of 50 % of your take home money.Pay the loan as soon as possible.

1)Never postpone the decision.
Never postpone your decision about your financial matters, whether it is about savings, paying your debts,or preparing your monthly budget.If tomorrow will be your answer to this, than you will be missing your opportunity in saving early.The early you save the more the compounding system works for you.

2)Set aside a sum when you receive your pay check.
When the pay check comes,you choose to set aside a specified sum for savings.This is  the first step in creating a secure future. The savings account you transfer should be,if possible a low fee account with high interest-rate paying account.This amount is for wealth creation.

3)Save some for your vacation.
If you set aside a minimum amount every week’s regularly for a year, you would be surprised by the amount of money you had saved by the end of a two year period. Whatever little you can set aside, just do it. First transfer it to your savings account. This saving is not to be in the form of cash, since there will always be ways to spend it.

4)Prepare a shopping list and stick to it.
Take a shopping list before you go for shopping. Shop only the items listed and nothing else.Sticking to the list will avoid impulsive and unnecessary buying.

5)Have your annualised expenses report.
Write down your monthly expenses that you do in a typical month and increase that by 12 times to give you the annual expenses.To this you have to add your vacation expenses,your travel mode expenses, that is if you own a car take into account the interest for the value and fuel expenses plus depreciation of the vehicle.
From this:
a)fix a percentage,on the amount, that you will reduce on annual basis.
b)list them in order of total expenditure and try to avoid unnecessary ones from the list.
c)List out which are all of secondary importance and reduce them.
d)See which items total up to a major expense, and try to reduce that.

6)Make note of every day’s expenses.
Sit down and write every day’s expenses.If you do that you will know where the money went and for what purpose. It is easy to remember your daily expenses.At the end of the month, just add them into categories, such as Groceries, Clothes, Food, Movie and other things. You would be surprised by the financial awareness it creates for you.

7)When you go out in a group, Spend for yourself only.
When going out in a group, try to spend for yourself only.If someone is paying for you, give back your money to them or spend for them another time.

8)Carry your lunch box.
Yes, it works.

9)Never use credit cards, instead use debit cards.

10)Have a eye for financial news or refer some books, if investing.
Not everyone can be a financial expert. We need to know only necessary things that are enough to make our life comfortable, and make better decisions on investments.  And, if you keep your eyes and ears open, you will receive good financial advice. Don't believe in easy money. Get rich schemes are designed to swindle money. Hot tips in stock markets are only Short-circuit tips. MLM schemes are a clever way to make the agent as the customer. Don't chase hot investments,they have crossed their prime buying price. Buying hot is overpaying for the stock. Always have a BUY price and SELL price for a stock ,derived by your own judgment(look Here). Defence against a single class of stock is to invest in a few other class of shares and not over diversifying,which may become unmanageable for ordinary investor.

These tips are effective only when you act on them. Start with a one or two. First start with budgeting.Without knowing where your money goes, it is difficult to save or cut-down your expenses.

Just do it.


Monday, January 18, 2010


It is  understandable that millionsof people have ambitions, desires and wishes to have their own business.  Countless millions of people are in jobs, they do not really like, nor get any satisfaction from. Financially, what they get is enough only for  month to month existence, but cannot build up real wealth. It is a constant struggle to make ends meet, frustrations are commonplace as people have little control over their own lives. 

Don't we all deserve the freedom, the riches, that the owners of successful businesses enjoy?

What is easy to forget is that, usually, those business have been built with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Running a business is very hard work; running a successful business is even harder. Those who have succeeded have usually had a vision, taken calculated risks, researched, worked long hours, and have learnt from inevitable setbacks and mistakes. They have learnt about their market sector, how to run a business, marketing, finance, and the law as it affects them in their business. Although what you may now see is a big business in glossy corporate offices, you can be sure it was originally built from hard graft.

Aah, you may be thinking, that was before the internet. Anyone can do it now!
Sorry to disappoint you, but having a Successful internet business requires hard work too; it involves an awful lot of learning, maybe years together.

Does all that put you off having your own business?

Does that all seem too much like hard work?

Do you want the benefits without the hassle?

If you answer "YES" to any of those questions, then you are prime fodder for the Get Rich Quick Schemes :

Welcome To The Internet Danger Zone

Once you start turning your attention to earning money online, you will soon be bombarded with hundreds, thousands, of "opportunities". You will see promises of millions of dollars, thousands of people paying you $20 into your Paypal account for the rest of your life; instant businesses with no physical work.

Now, stop and think about it. Be honest with yourself. How realistic are all of those claims? While each of them is possible, how sustainable are they really?

Many newcomers to the world of internet business should be aware of scams, which is good. There are scams around; many of them.

But the biggest danger is not these deliberate scams, but  greed to make tons of money without really knowing the  nitty gritty about it,coupled with bad management. The fact is,it is easy to set up a business online.It would be advisable for people to do so, who have  idea, how to run a business, plan for business success, manage finances etc.